Organization Membership

If you are looking to join a camera club, you have come to the right place.   


Why join a camera club?

Why not?! Where else can you meet people who enjoy creating photographs, sharing their shooting methods, discuss travel locations, talk apertures, f-stops and Lightroom and Photoshop - all in one place.  



When you join the Motor City Camera Club, you are joining a club with a long history of teaching all levels of photographers. Since 1937 MCCC has welcomed the beginner just learning how to use their camera in Manual mode, to the accomplished author, fine art photographer or renowned travel photographer. All come through our doors and lend their experience and ideas that enable us all to grow.

Through monthly competitions we constructively critique the entered images to learn how to improve. Program Nights offer lectures from experienced photographers on various topics or hands-on photo shoots. Field trips allow us to venture out to new places and capture images not normally seen.


Why compete?

A little friendly competition never hurt anybody. And when you can learn and improve your photographic skills because of it - all the better! Each month we compete in a Print Competition and a Digital Projection Division. We follow a set of scoring guidelines that other clubs use across the country and this allows us to take the best of our club winners and submit them to the Greater Detroit Camera Club Council (GDCCC).

The GDCCC is a collection of eleven camera clubs in the area that allow us to compete against each other at a regional level. By competing with other clubs, we get the advantage of seeing many images from different points of view.

At the end of each season we have an End of Year competition, where you enter your best images and they are judged by a different club. At the End of Year banquet, trophies are handed out to the top scoring images and the best images of the year are presented on the big screen!

Guests are always welcome to our monthly meetings, but if you want to enter the competitions, participate in scheduled classes and outings, you must join the club. The competition season runs from September through May.


It's easy to join 

When you are ready, either come to a monthly membership meeting and sign up there or contact the President, whose contact information can be found on the Motor City Camera Club Home Page, and request the forms needed for membership.   Payment methods available to make dues payment are Zelle, personal check, or cash.  Once forms and payment are received, you will receive complete access to the Members Only section of the website, which contains the Membership Guide, By-Laws, and Competition Rules.  If you have any questions, please contact the President - see contact information on the Motor City Camera Club Home Page.

Create an Account

If you do not have a Login Name, use the button below to create an account and request membership in this organization. If you already have a Visual Pursuits account for any other organization, login with your account and use the menu "My Account", "Organizations" to request membership in this organization. That page will also provide links to other organizations.

If you are judging competitions or registering for a public event, you do not need to request membership. If you have an existing account with any organization using the Visual Pursuits service, login to this website with that account. If you do not have an account and do not need membership, use the button below to create a Guest account.

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